Ben Fullman, Author at Altigen

Web Meetings Made Easy and Ease Travel Budgets
Businesses in today’s global market not only have employees geographically dispersed, but clients, prospects and vendors located across time-zones. Being a traveling salesman used to mean hopping in a car and driving an hour or two to visit a client or prospect. Now it can mean boarding a plane with a passport in hand for a meeting that […]

Improve Outdated Communications with Skype for Business Federation Feature
We have been discussing the many features of Skype for Business as part of your organization’s overall Unified Communications strategy. It is an immensely powerful tool when it comes to improving intra-company communications, and has numerous features to assist in communicating with the “outside world,” such as the ability to initiate a web meeting with […]

What Web Meetings Mean for Employee Retention
This past July, Forbes published the article For Employee Retention, There’s No Place Like Home which makes the case that employees are more apt to be happy and stay with your company if they have some flexibility when it comes to working remotely. Telecommuting is certainly on the rise, with about 40% of U.S. employees working […]

Skype on the Go with Business Mobile Client
If you watched the Olympics, no doubt you saw the commercial with Christoph Waltz, discussing “busy, busy, busy” Americans using their mobile phones to multi-task everything (you can view the commercial here). The image of Waltz in dreads as he checks email on vacation, or as a mother soothing her baby while surfing the web on […]

Working Remotely Just Got Even Easier with UCaaS
Working remotely is not a new idea. In fact, the term “telecommuting” was first coined in 1972 by employees working on a NASA communication system, and in 1979, the Washington Post published an article called “Working at Home Can Save Gasoline“, which is often credited with introducing the idea of working remotely, and a year later led to the first conference […]

Behold the Power of UC: What is UCaaS and Why Does it Work?
Unified Communications is quickly becoming both a necessity and a burden for IT departments. As employees want to utilize the technologies that they use in the consumer world within a business networking environment, and executives are buying into the benefits of a UC strategy to improve business processes and bottom lines, IT departments are tasked […]

Unified Communications: Google Hangouts vs. Skype for Business
As presented in previous articles, Skype for Business is a rebranded version of Lync, Microsoft’s business communication tool. It was launched in mid 2015 by Microsoft, and is full of enterprise Unified Communication features, with great tools for company collaboration. But Skype for Business is by no means perfect (although Microsoft is always making changes to enhance the product and correct […]

How Skype for Business Meetings Can Enhance Your Bottom Line
Technology has enabled us to communicate in many forms. Telephone calls, video conferencing, instant messaging, text messaging, email and more. In fact, it is likely that the majority of your communication at work is done in some method other than face-to-face, and unless you work in a call center, it can almost be guaranteed you spend […]

3 Questions to Ask When Devising a UC Strategy
Unified Communications (UC) is more than just a buzzword. It is becoming a business necessity for those who have adopted it and experienced the results of increased productivity and efficiency. UC is not a single product, but, rather, a set of products that work together to provide a consistent unified user-interface and user-experience across devices, whether it […]

Driving Productivity with Skype for Business
When Microsoft purchased Skype and replaced Lync with Skype for Business, industry experts knew big things were in store for Microsoft’s Unified Communications initiatives. And they weren’t wrong. Skype for Business is Lync on steroids. It provides voice, video conferencing, instant messaging, and presence all in one client. But it’s integration with the increasingly (overwhelmingly?) popular […]