Hosted Phone Service Archives

Your Phone System Just Crashed… Now What?

When your phone system initially crashes, alarms don’t go off to alert you. A large red flashing light doesn’t catch everyone’s attention. Employee computer screens don’t display “ALERT” in big bold letters. Instead, you and your employees sit there, working as you would normally, unaware of the customers desperate to reach your support desk, or […]

How an Improved Call Center Will Satisfy Members

Credit unions and members go hand in hand. Member experience and communication solutions, again, go hand in hand. One cannot exist without the other, and more importantly one cannot succeed without the other. If members had the chance to rate your credit union’s call center, would you be timid to hear their insights? If you’re […]

Why Phones Are No Longer a Barrier to Entry for VoIP

When voice over IP was introduced on the market, there were a number of factors that prohibited adoption. The cost savings were no doubt sexy, as long distance calling rates soared for many companies. But the poor quality of internet connections, coupled with the high price of managing an in-house VoIP system and replacing existing […]

Featured on CUInsight: How would your members rate your phone system?

AltiGen’s Mike Plumer, Vice President of Sales, was once again featured in CUInsight for his article How would your members rate your phone system? Below is the article geared towards CU executives wishing to perfect their credit union communications platform using a hosted solution: If you asked members to grade your phone system on a scale of one to […]

7 Key Considerations when Evaluating a Hosted Phone Service

By choosing a Cloud based, or hosted phone service, you can significantly reduce the upfront investment and ongoing cost of maintenance for your phone system. It’s also an opportunity to affordably add key functionality to better serve your customers. However, Cloud based phone systems are not one size fits all… for example, if you are a credit […]
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