Skype for Business Archives

3 Signs Your Business Needs a Unified Communications Upgrade
There is no denying that we’re living in a technology era where efficiency and communication are better than ever. It can be overwhelming to know which trends to latch on to or which upgrades can be passed up. When it comes to your business you know it’s important to stay on top of the latest and […]

When Chaos Comes Along, Fall Back on Your Disaster Recovery Plan
After a season filled with record breaking disasters across the globe it only seems fitting to discuss disaster recovery plans. From forest fires to level five hurricanes, people in many places have been evacuated from their homes and daily lives. When is normalcy regained after disasters such as these? When do people get back to work or fall […]

How Skype Grew Up to Become Skype for (Every) Business
It is no secret that there are hundreds of millions of Microsoft Office 365 users worldwide (that’s right… hundreds of millions… Microsoft doesn’t release much data on users but did confirm earlier this year there were over 100 million users of their 365 product). It is also no secret that a very, very small majority of […]

Profiting From a Mobile Workforce
Long gone are the myths that remote employees will spend their days binge watching Netflix or running errands on the company’s dime. The Harvard Business Review made concrete contradictions to these assumptions in a recent study, siting that working from home can save a company an estimated $1,900 per employee for a nine month period. Companies will save money […]

Eliminate the Learning Curve and Use Office 365 for Everything
Microsoft’s Office 365 has been touted (and subsequently adopted) worldwide as a robust, easy-to-use and all encompassing solution for many of your business technology needs: Email, documents, presentations, and spreadsheets. But it can do so much more! While many businesses use Office 365, too many are not harnessing the full potential of the tool. They […]

Rehashing 4 Benefits of VoIP for Every Business
No matter the size of the business, companies everywhere are considering VoIP phone services. There are now nearly 1 billion users of VoIP worldwide. According to the VoIP Report, telecoms are losing an average of 700,000 landline customers per month, while it’s projected that the VoIP services market will expand 10 percent every year until […]

Save Yourself the Runaround with Instant Messaging
A typical work day looks different for everyone and every business, however, almost every work day, no matter the business, includes collaboration. Collaboration happens on multiple levels, internally and externally, and is an essential ingredient for business success. Instant messaging allows collaboration to happen in real time, on multiple devices, with multiple methods, between multiple people, […]

4 Ways Credit Union Unified Communications Make Members Feel Valued
What do members want from their credit union? Members want speed, security, innovation and most importantly, they want to feel valued. Credit unions are responsible for members’ most important assets, so it’s no surprise members don’t want to feel like just another number or face in the crowd. Members want to know their valued by […]

How to Take the Pestering Out of Communication Solutions
In many industries, speed of response is crucial to success. Take for example, pest control. When clients contact a pest control company they’re looking for fast acting, effective solutions before the ants take over their kitchen, or the live creature in their walls scratches their way through. If the company they call does not have a […]

Unified Communication Solutions your Credit Union Should Be Using
In the final article of our 4-part series, we provide a synopsis as to why utilizing all the features within office 365 can provide your CU with a robust and affordable unified communications solution. Bringing unified communications to credit unions can provide their members and employees with the most efficent, innovative and secure communication solutions utilizing the many […]